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PGT-A Specialist

PGT-A Specialist services offered in Englewood Cliffs, NJ

PGT-A services offered in the greater Englewood Cliffs, NJ area

It’s estimated that up to 70% of embryos have a chromosome abnormality that results in failed in vitro fertilization (IVF). Using PGT-A testing, Jane Miller, MD, at North Hudson IVF can reduce the risk of miscarriage and implantation failure, and significantly improve your chance for a successful pregnancy following in vitro fertilization. To learn more about how PGT-A can improve IVF outcomes, schedule an appointment online or call the office in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, today. 


What is PGT-A?

PGT-A stands for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies. Preimplantation genetic testing can identify chromosome abnormalities or genetic disorders in an embryo before it’s implanted in your uterus during in vitro fertilization (IVF).

PGT-A is an elective procedure that screens for aneuploidy, which occurs when a chromosome is missing or duplicated. The most common aneuploidy is Down syndrome, referred to as trisomy 21, as it is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Most chromosomal abnormalities cause such severe defects that they cause a miscarriage, which is why PGT-A is such an important test. When you test the embryo before it’s placed in your uterus, you have the best chance for a successful IVF and healthy pregnancy. PGT-A also allows you to have one embryo transferred to your uterus with more confidence in the outcome.

When might I consider PGT-A?

Dr. Miller talks with you about your medical history, physical health, age, the reason for your infertility, and why you may want to consider PGT-A.

There’s no doubt that PGT-A improves the outcome of IVF. You may also choose to include PGT-A with your IVF procedure if you face issues such as:

  • Previous pregnancy was affected by a chromosomal problem
  • The mother is over 38 years old, increasing the risk for Down syndrome
  • History of recurrent miscarriage

Dr. Miller may also recommend PGT-A if you’ve had several IVF procedures without becoming pregnant.

How is PGT-A performed?

You’ll go through a normal IVF process, which begins with hormone injections to increase the number of eggs produced in your ovaries. When the eggs are mature, Dr. Miller removes them from your ovaries, and they go to the lab, where the sperm of your partner or a donor fertilizes them.

About five days after fertilization, Dr. Miller uses a laser to remove a few cells from each embryo. The embryos are frozen, and their DNA goes to a leading genetics laboratory for analysis. Dr. Miller uses the results to identify one or two chromosomally normal embryos and transfers them to your uterus.

What is the difference between PGT-A and PGD?

PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing - aneuploidy) is used to separate the genetically normal (euploid) embryos from the genetically abnormal (aneuploid) embryos. Aneuploidy is found in about 60% of all human embryos (depending upon maternal age). An aneuploid embryo can fail to implant, cause miscarriage, or can result in the birth of an infant with significant medical problems. PGT-A allows us to transfer only normal embryos to a woman’s uterus.

PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) is used to test embryos for “single gene mutations.” These mutations are associated with diseases carried by the family of either the person producing the eggs or the person producing the sperm. With PGD, any embryos affected by the genetic disease can be identified so that they are not transferred to a woman’s uterus. This prevents the transmission of a genetic disease to one’s children.

To learn more about PGT-A, call North Hudson IVF or book an appointment online today.

Learn more about PGT-A