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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Specialist

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Specialist services offered in Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss services offered in the greater Englewood Cliffs, NJ area

Recurrent pregnancy loss takes a deep emotional toll on couples and often raises questions about infertility. You can count on compassionate and understanding care from Jane Miller, MD, at North Hudson IVF. With two board certifications, one in reproductive endocrinology and the other in obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Miller is highly qualified to determine the cause of your recurrent pregnancy loss and develop a customized treatment that supports your fertility. To schedule an appointment, use the online booking feature or call the office in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, today.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Q & A

What is recurrent pregnancy loss?

Having two or more miscarriages defines recurrent pregnancy loss. Early pregnancy loss is common, occurring in about 15-20% of known pregnancies, and one or two miscarriages are not always associated with infertility. More than half of all couples who lose two pregnancies will go on to have a healthy baby without treatment.

If you experience two or more miscarriages, however, you may want to consider a thorough examination at North Hudson IVF to determine the underlying cause and get treatment to help prevent another miscarriage and to increase the chance of having a healthy baby.

What causes recurrent pregnancy loss?

Genetic or chromosomal problems most often cause recurrent miscarriages during the first trimester. An estimated 50-80% of early pregnancy loss occurs when the embryo receives an abnormal number of chromosomes. This problem happens by chance during fertilization but becomes more common as you get older.

Abnormalities in the uterus, such as uterine fibroids, polyps, adhesions, and congenital problems affecting its structure, can all lead to recurrent pregnancy loss. The risk also increases when the mother has diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or hypothyroidism. An autoimmune disorder called antiphospholipid syndrome is associated with a higher risk of recurrent miscarriages.

Your chance of recurrent pregnancy loss is higher if you have a weak cervix, you’re over the age of 35, or you’re overweight or underweight. Women who smoke or drink too much alcohol during pregnancy are also more likely to have repeated miscarriages.

How is recurrent pregnancy loss treated?

Dr. Miller performs a thorough examination and testing as needed to get to the underlying cause of your recurrent miscarriages. Since there are numerous possible causes, this process can involve multiple tests ranging from blood tests and ultrasound to genetic testing.

Once the underlying cause has a diagnosis, Dr. Miller develops a customized treatment that meets your health needs and improves your fertility. Treating the underlying medical condition may lead to a full-term pregnancy, but when necessary, you can count on the doctor’s expertise to recommend other fertility options, such as in vitro fertilization.

Dr. Miller understands that your time is precious and you want to have a baby as soon as possible. She works tirelessly to help you conceive quickly and deliver a healthy baby.

If you suffer recurrent pregnancy loss, you can find answers and get the help you need at North Hudson IVF — call or use online booking to schedule an appointment today.

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