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Our New Jersey IVF Center Expands Reproductive Possibilities

Dr. Jane Miller practices reproductive medicine to assist all couples and individuals in building families. When basic intervention like IUI, intrauterine insemination will not bridge the gap between infertility and pregnancy, Dr. Miller will recommend the advanced reproductive technology of IVF, in vitro fertilization.

The baseline IVF protocol has remained consistent since the advent of IVF in 1978, but today’s advanced options can predict genetic disease risk, reduce recurrent miscarriage and even ensure family balancing. Our New Jersey IVF doctor specializes in these breakthrough treatments.

When trying to get pregnant, certain diagnoses will solidify the decision to pursue IVF. Dr. Miller will explain why moving to IVF is the best option to address these causes of infertility:

  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Extremely low sperm count (azoospermia)
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Recurrent miscarriage

Couples and individuals pursuing donor reproduction or fertility rescue and fertility preservation also benefit from IVF. Our New Jersey IVF center has a depth of experience in advanced IVF options that will help you feel comfortable in your decision.

Understanding the IVF Process

In vitro fertilization essentially enhances and replicates human reproductive stages. You should verify that the fertility center that you choose offers an on-site, fully credentialed IVF lab and experienced IVF lab director. Link to bios page

After initial consultations with Dr. Miller, the female partner will begin to take injectable fertility medications that stimulate the ovaries to produce a surplus of eggs.

The IVF process typically begins on Day 3 or 4 of a menstrual cycle and proceeds as follows:

  • Ovarian stimulation with fertility medications that contain FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone)
  • Ovulation induction with a timed injection of hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin
  • Egg retrieval in our New Jersey IVF surgical suite
  • Fertilization by combining egg and sperm in the IVF lab
  • Embryo transfer on Day 5 after a fresh egg cycle. We also direct frozen embryo transfer, a newer method that shows promising results.

Dr. Miller will see you frequently during IVF stimulation, making adjustments to fertility medications and monitoring follicular growth. Your cycle may involve a more complex treatment plan with advanced options in our New Jersey IVF lab:

At our New Jersey IVF treatment center, each cycle is uniquely designed to optimize pregnancy success rates. Today’s IVF advances address barriers to pregnancy that just a decade ago would have been insurmountable. Dr. Miller and Dr. Smith welcome your questions and will ensure that you receive compassionate, attentive care throughout the IVF process.

Contact us for a consultation with our board certified fertility specialist, Dr. Jane Miller, and visit the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology website to view our IVF success rates.