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IVF Success Rates

IVF Success Rates

IVF Success Rates. Our New Jersey Fertility Center Offers Care to All Patients Regardless of Age and History

North Hudson IVF Center treats more than the average number of patients with difficult infertility problems. Our program is willing to offer assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to all potential patients, even those who have a low probability of success.

Many other programs discourage such patients. Programs that accept a higher percentage of women who previously have had multiple unsuccessful ART cycles will generally have lower success rates than programs that do not. In contrast, programs that offer ART procedures to patients who might have become pregnant with less technologically advanced treatment (such as artificial insemination) will have higher success rates than programs that do not.

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Measuring IVF Success Rates

There are several ways to measure success in fertility treatment. The most common way for fertility programs to define success is pregnancy rate. However, that doesn’t tell the whole story.

About Reported Pregnancy Rates

Pregnancy in fertility clinic reporting can be defined in several ways:

  • a positive pregnancy test
  • a gestational sac in the uterus
  • of course a term pregnancy that will result in a live birth

Unfortunately, about 20% of pregnancies are lost in the first trimester, so reporting pregnancy rates can be deceiving. The only real measure of success is having a baby in your arms.

At our New Jersey fertility Center, North Hudson IVF Center, we believe in presenting the whole truth. The table below reports our historical live birth rate and should not be compared directly with other programs reporting pregnancy rates. These data are verifiable at the CDC website.

For additional information on how to interpret fertility program success rates, see:

Historical Success Rates 2003 – 2009/ Verified by the CDC ( and SART (

Because many of our recent patients have not yet delivered, we must report our current success rate as combined live birth and ongoing pregnancies. Ongoing pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that has progressed beyond the critical first trimester.

*A comparison of clinic success rates may not be meaningful because patient medical characteristics and treatment approaches vary from clinic to clinic.